
My Situation compared to a year ago

I was browsing through my archive, reading from back in the days when I updated this blog often and I found an entry a little over a year ago (July 12th, 2003) where I took a Personality Disorder test and posted my results. The end of the results had a link to take the test so I thought it would be interesting if I took the test again to see how I grade a year later. Inside you can find results with their comparisons to last year.

Disorder July 2003 July 2004 Change
Paranoid: Low Moderate -1
Schizoid: Low High -2
Schizotypal: Moderate Moderate 0
Antisocial: Low Low 0
Borderline: Moderate Moderate 0
Histrionic: Moderate Moderate 0
Narcissistic: Low Low 0
Avoidant: Very High Very High 0
Dependent: High High 0
Obsessive-Compulsive: High High 0
Total Changes -3

Rather than copy/paste the code from their site, I reformatted it so that it is easier to understand the change from last year to this year, the first column shows the disorder name, and the second column shows my score after taking the test last time, the third column shows my score this time, and the final column shows the change based on this scale from best to worst:

Low Moderate High Very High
4 3 2 1

Taking the change, a change from Low to Moderate is a change of -1 cause it moved down the scale 1, while a change from Moderate to Low would be +1 cause it would move up the scale 1. Unfortunately, there were no upward movements and 2 downward movements (one of them by 2 points), in other words… According to this test, the condition of my mind has degraded over the last year.

I’m not sure how accurate this little quiz is, in fact, I’m fairly certain it is inaccurate, but it’s a depressing result nonetheless.

Basically what this says is that in addition to my previous problems, I am now Paranoid and Schizoid as well, oh well, one day if I ever get out of my financial mess I may be able to afford to make a Shrink very happy, very happy that he has someone as messed up as I am that is.