Posts in the Podcasting Category

WizardCast 3

WizardCast Episode 3 is out, including some interesting announcements. I’ll go ahead an innumerate the announcements here, though I haven’t yet on the WizardCast website. First, we’ve expaned WizardCast into Wizards.FM, the Wizard’s Webcast Network and have already recorded a few additional shows...

1 minute read.

Nick Moline is on the air...again

After several months, Episode 2 of WizardCast, a Science Fiction and Fantasy Podcast hosted by me, from and is finally available for download. Be sure to check it out. You can either hit the play button below to start streaming the podcast live, or you can download...

1 minute read.

Nick Moline is on the air

When I first started this blog just over 3 years ago (July, 2003) it was my second jaunt into internet pop culture. My foray into the culture of the web (after years of being a sort of web recluse) was to write a fanfic, then I created a blog, and now, now after these 3 years, I have published my...

1 minute read.