Posts in the School Category

Wearing a Computer at MIT, a Two Decade Dream Realized

When I was young (somewhere in the early/mid ’90s), I saw some program (I don’t know which) on PBS and they were talking about some guy (I can’t find the program and don’t remember the name, but I presume it was either Thad Starner or Steve Mann ) at MIT who is wearing a computer with a Head...

3 minute read.

It's the Simple Things...

I’m constantly being told I’m far too negative, that I focus too much on all the bad things in my life, and not enough on the pleasures in life. It’s 5:35 in the morning and I haven’t slept. In 4 hours I’m going to have to be at school ready to perform my first graded scene in Acting I class,...

2 minute read.


Well, I’ve registered to return to school next semester, inside you will find my class schedule for the Spring Semester as it stands, I may decide to edit this, but for now, this is accurate. Course Name and Title Meeting Information Credits HIST-1301-40734 (0032172) United States History to 1876...

2 minute read.